Happy Tree Friends

I'm sure we all remember the beloved children's classic "Happy Tree Friends". For most of us, we grew up loving the sweet adorable characters teaching us valuable lessons about life and friendship. Having been watching the series since a young age, I decided to watch some more of my favorite adventures with my old, cute, and cuddly nostalgic pals.
There was however a bit of a problem after I had watched a few episodes...
According to the official Happy Tree Friends' Wiki page, there was an episode aired November 2nd 2007, however, I could find no sign of it whatsoever...
I did a bit more research into the subject,and discovered that people said the episode was pulled for unspecified reasons. A few people on a forum post said they were horribly disgusted by what they had seen, and had vowed to never watch the show again.
Not one to easily give up, I continued until I found a torrent of the episode.
Expecting it to be a fake, or of a completely different episode, I was very glad to see that the episode started out with the right episode "Read 'Em and Weep"
... but then things went horribly wrong...
To see some of the disturbing things done to these characters after so many years of loving these characters in my childhood... it is to difficult to detail my sick feelings towards it, but I'll try my best so that others won't make the same mistake...
The episode began with Pop and Cub approaching an old stack of books for sale. They discovered a book that appeared to be made of some sort of grotesque face, this was a bit off to me, especially in a children's show, but I continued watching... I regret doing that...
Pop began reading the story to Cub, and birds started falling dead out of the sky. I was shocked that they would portray death in such a casual way in a cartoon like this. It was so disturbing, but the worst was yet to come...
The next day, Pop discovered his son was possessed by a demon. Being that this is something that has happened in other cartoons, I just kind of thought it would make him do slightly mischievous things... I was wrong
He starts vomiting and his head rotates backwards much like in The Exorcist. Then there was suddenly a knock on the door, and sweet, poor petunia was innocently selling cookies. When suddenly a tentacle came out of Cub's mouth and wrapped around petunia. It started dragging her into his mouth. She tried her best to get away, but she was ripped in half, there was blood and guts everywhere.
My mouth was wide open. How could this be? Petunia, not only a main character who gets killed off, but so gruesomely in front of the watcher's eyes.
Resisting the urge to lose whatever I ate for lunch that morning, I continued watching, as Lumpy began to exercise the demon out of Cub. He is successful, however Pop, in the confusion murdered his child.
The last scene still haunts me to this day, it was at Cub's funeral. As the screen starts to go away, the tentacled demon is shown to be in Lumpy now...